Makna My Shampoo and Conditioner Ran Out yang Lagi Viral di TikTok

By Monika Perangin, Kamis, 5 Januari 2023 | 14:05 WIB
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CewekBanget.ID - Di awal tahun 2023, banyak orang yang mengunggah video TikTok dengan tulisan 'my Shampoo and conditioner ran out at the same time'.

Kalimat my Shampoo and conditioner ran out at the same time ini memiliki arti sampo dan conditionerku habis diwaktu yang bersamaan.

Namun, perlu kita ketahui bahwa frasa my Shampoo and conditioner ran out at the same time adalah kalimat kiasan aliasn bukan makna yang sesungguhnya.

Frasa my Shampoo and conditioner ran out at the same time biasanya digunakan untuk mengungkapkan kondisi saat kita sedang sedih atau merasa depresi.

Sebenarnya apa dan darimana sih frasa my Shampoo and conditioner ran out at the same time muncul?

Menurut penelusuran CewekBanget, frasa my Shampoo and conditioner ran out at the same time sebenarnya sudah lama dipakai di TikTok.

Sudah sejak sekitar tahun 2020 banyak content creator di TikTok yang mengungkapkan rasa sedihnya dengan memakai kalimat itu.

Namun, memang frasa tersebut baru viral pada awal tahun 2023 ya, girls.

Enggak cuma di Indonesia saja, frasa my Shampoo and conditioner ran out at the same time juga viral secara global.

Sebenarnya, frasa my Shampoo and conditioner ran out at the same time diambil dari sebuah puisi yang sangat apik.

Ini dia puisi lengkap dari potongan kalimat my Shampoo and conditioner ran out at the same time!

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Ilustrasi cewek bersedih

Melansir dari laman Daily Mail, frasa my Shampoo and conditioner ran out at the same time sebenarnya potongan puisi yang ditulis Hannah Dains.

Hannah Dains membuat puisi yang sangat apik berisikan tentang alasan kita untuk enggak bunuh diri.

Jadi, my Shampoo and conditioner ran out at the same time bukan berarti bahwa sampo dan kondisioner kita habis saja, melainkan ada makna di balik itu.

Puisi Hannah Dains yang berjudul Don't Kill Yourself ini pun langsung viral.

Ini dia puisi lengkap Don't Kill Yourself karya Hannah Dains!

Don’t kill yourself today because your Netflix trial still has a week left.

Don’t kill yourself today because no one else will finish off the chicken in the fridge.

Don’t kill yourself today because I know for a act Starbucks is introducing a new frappachino sometime next month.

Yes, your mother will miss you.

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Don't Kill Yourself - Hannah Dains

Yes, your bully will make a sappy facebook post about what a wonderful person you were.

Anyone and everyone has been shoving that down your throat since you first learned what the world ‘suicide’ meant.

These slogans might have lost their meaning but anything that keeps you alive is worth saying.

So don’t kill yourself until you finish your shampoo and conditioner at the same time.

Don’t kill yourself until Doctor Who is finally canceled.

Don’t kill yourself until you tell someone your best pasta recipe.

Don’t kill yourself because I will keep coming up with more reasons and I need you to hear all of them.

Don’t kill yourself. I love you.

You’re important.

It’s a bad day not a bad life.

There is more to this

Baca Juga: TikTok Buat Fitur Baru, Mengungkap Rahasia Kenapa Sebuah Video Bisa FYP

The world will keep spinning on its axis without you thing of all the sunrises you’ll miss.

Think of all the tears you’ll never get to shed

Think of all the celebrity twitter fights

All the puppies and goldfish.

Think of all the sunflowers and frozen yogurt flavors.

I know this sounds pointless.

When you’re sitting in front of everything deadly you own and revising your goodbyes there will be too much darkness to see anything else, but this is not about seeing anything else.

This is about turning off the lights.

This is about finding the bedsheets instead of the noose.

This is about giving yourself if just one more day.

Even if it takes 10.000 of those ‘one more mornings’ before you get to ‘I can’t wait for tomorrow’.

This is about staying alive because it’s pumpkin season.

This is about staying alive because the future is coming and it is ready for you.

I don’t need you to see it.

I just need you to believe that you can make it until then.

Makna my Shampoo and conditioner ran out at the same time

Jadi, frasa my Shampoo and conditioner ran out at the same time adalah salah satu alasan bahwa kita enggak bileh bunuh diri.

Meskipun sepele, namun hal ini ternyata bisa bikin orang bertahan dari beratnya beban hidup yang sedang dipikul.

Hannah Dains memiinya kiya untuk enggak mengakhiri hidup atau bunuh diri sampai sampo dan kondisioner habis secara bersamaan.

Frasa ini dipakai oleh creator TikTok yang merasa sangat depresi dan sedih.

Mereka mengatakan bahwa sampo dan kondisioner sudah habis di waktu yang bersamaan.
