5 Seconds of Summer Loves to Jump!

By Marti, Senin, 17 November 2014 | 17:00 WIB
5 Seconds of Summer Loves to Jump! (Marti)

Hayooo... Siapa member 5SOS yang lompatnya tinggi banget ini?

5 Seconds of Summer Loves to Jump!

Duh, mereka semua kayak melayang ya, girls?

5 Seconds of Summer Loves to Jump!

Wuih, semangat banget, ya, geng 5SOS tiap manggung. Hmm, enggak heran deh kalau isi band ini enggak jauh-jauh dari kegilaan. He-he-he.

5 Seconds of Summer Loves to Jump!

(nana, foto: 5secsofsummerspain.blogspot.com, rebloggy.com, weheartit.com, capitalfm.com, onedirectionfanfiction.org)