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Intan Khasanah - Lisa 'BLACKPINK'
Kisah inspiratif bisa datang dari mana saja, termasuk dari kisah seorang fans dan juga survivor kanker yang berhasil mendapat kesempatan ketemu idolanya.
Namanya Intan Khasanah , seorang mahasiswi Universitas Indonesia. Intan menderita kanker Limfoma Hodgkin, yaitu kanker yang menyerang sistem kelenjar getah bening dalam tubuh.
(Baca juga: 9 Pose Seleb Indonesia Foto Bareng Seleb Korea )
Intan menjadi survivor kanker sejak tahun 2013 dan sudah menjalani puluhan kemoterapi.
Intan menjadi sorotan karena sebuah unggahan video yang dia upload di medsosnya. Intan yang juga seorang BLINK, atau fansnya BLACKPINK, meng-cover dance dari single hits, DDU-DU DDU-DU .
First video: right after my 20th chemotherapy, with infusion sets still hanging in my hand. • Second video: a week before my 20th chemotherapy. • • Yes, amazingly I still managed to do what I love to do (you can see them from most of my posts) even though I have stage 4 cancer (Hodgkin’s Lymphoma) since 2013. Yes, it’s already stage 4 since 5 years ago. • • I completely aware of the fact that I’m still alive till now, as a truly insane gift! The fact that God still let me breathe, live, and surrounded by those who support me through my ups and downs, is just unbelievable and I can’t stop to thank Him for that. What a privilege, especially for my kind. I don’t mean to compartmentalize the ones with and without cancer or any other chronic diseases. Because I don’t think we have many differences except mental and physical endurance, that perhaps, in my subjective arbitrary assessment, are stronger in terms of adjusting selves to bear almost-unbearable pain and sorrow. Hiding them well so others won’t be worry so much at us, won’t see and treat us differently. Like, we’re just a hopeless pathetic human being who’s gonna die in seconds? An inferior who can do nothing but dying? A real burden? A useless one? Yeah, something like that, and we hate it to the core if someone ever assumed us that way. • • So, I made these videos as a prove that we are all just the same, with or without cancer, before and after diagnosed with cancer, before and after undergoing series of painful and exhausting treatments to win the battle, to eradicate cancer once and forever. I just want to encourage other warriors and survivors in any under circumstances that we are all still able to have fun with life. Even a set of infusion that still hanging steadily in my hand won’t stop me to do one of my favorite activities. To dance, for instance. • (continued on comment section) #cancersucks #cancersurvivor #cancerwarrior #hodgkinslymphoma #ddududdudu #blackpink #kpopdancecover #ddududdudublackpink @weare.survivors @ihadcancer @imadanceragainstcancer @blackpinkofficial
A post shared by Intan Khasanah (@intankhasanah) on Jul 30, 2018 at 7:11am PDT
Mungkin buat kita yang fans Kpop dan cover dance idola akan terlihat biasa aja.
Tapi Intan yang baru saja menjalani kemoterapi ke-20, masih ada infus di tangannya, mampu begitu enerjik meniru dance dari grup Jennie, Lisa, Rose, dan Jisoo ini jadi terlihat luar biasa.
(Baca juga: Enggak Usah Bikin Sensasi! Begini Cara Terkenal Lewat Media Sosial )
Lewat unggahan tersebut, Intan juga memberikan semangat dan kata-kata positif yang menjadi inspirasi bagi kita.
Buatnya, kanker tidak akan membuatnya hancur dan terpuruk, justru semakin kuat. Terharu!
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