Serunya Quotes Zodiak Hari Ini, 22 Desember 2020. Leo Tentang Keberanian!

By Elizabeth Nada, Selasa, 22 Desember 2020 | 12:15 WIB
Drama 'More Than Friends' (foto : JTBC via Hancinema)


"Courage is the most important of all the virtues because without courage, you can't practice any other virtue consistently." - Maya Angelou


"If there is no struggle, there is no progress." - Frederick Douglass

Baca Juga: Lebih Sehat, Ini 5 Minuman Pengganti Soda yang Sama Nyegerinnya!


"Eat healthily, sleep well, breathe deeply, move harmoniously."


"Failures are the stairs we climb to reach success."