Quotes Hari Ini Buat Para Zodiak, Gemini & Virgo Tentang Teman!

By Elizabeth Nada, Jumat, 15 Januari 2021 | 09:00 WIB
Ngobrol dengan teman (childrenssociety.org.uk)


"Love is not measured by how many times you touch each other, but by how many times you reach each other." - Unknown


"A true friend is the best Possession." - Benjamin Franklin

Baca Juga: Cancer Sampai Sagittarius, Yuk Bongkar Kelebihan Cowok Berdasarkan Zodiaknya! (Part 2)


"The language of friendship is not words but meanings." - Henry David Thoreau


"I think the perfection of love is that it's not perfect." - Taylor Swift