Para Pemenang Golden Globe Awards 2015

By Astri Soeparyono, Minggu, 11 Januari 2015 | 17:00 WIB
Para Pemenang Golden Globe Awards 2015 (Astri Soeparyono)


Downton Abbey Game of Thrones The Good Wife House of Cards


Girls Jane the Virgin Orange Is the New Black Silicon Valley


Steve Carell, Foxcatcher Benedict Cumberbatch, The Imitation Game Jake Gyllenhaal, Nightcrawler David Oyelowo, Selma


(Baca juga: Selain Cinderella, Ini Film Dongeng Disney Yang Bakal Tayang Tahun 2015)


Ralph Fiennes, The Grand Budapest Hotel Bill Murray, St. Vincent Joaquin Phoenix, Inherent Vice Christoph Waltz, Big Eyes


Jennifer Aniston, Cake Felicity Jones, The Theory of Everything Rosamund Pike, Gone Girl Reese Witherspoon, Wild