"All day long I wait for your reply I keep writing and erasing to make sure there's no mistake in my words I accidently say things that I don't mean The dramatic lines that I practiced in front of the mirror Are all forgotten when I stand in front of you, flustering me My hands hesitate in front of yours"
Cowok bisa merasa luar biasa deg-degan sebelum menembak cewek. Bisa saja mereka menghabiskan waktu semalam suntuk cuma buat latihan cara nembak cewek, he-he.
(Baca juga: Mark 'GOT7': Tujuh Rahasia Yang Harus Diketahui)
"No matter how hard I try to find And look at you again and again That unpretty spot you keep talking about I can't see it at all."
Bisa dibilang, lagu ini mengajak kita, para cewek, untuk lebih percaya diri dan mencintai diri kita. di lagu ini, GOT7 bingung dengan sikap cewek yang enggak pede dan selalu mengungkit kekurangannya. Padahal, si cowok sama sekali enggak melihat atau menyadari kekurangan itu.
"You say you're not pretty, that your eyes are small, your nose is small and you're not skinny You say you're chubby, you're short and that other girls are so pretty You ask why I like you but stop worrying about that, trust me and don't worry You're different from other girls, in a world where there's so many party girls You're like a cold drink of water that will never make me go ill If you're not here, I get thirsty, I get dried up like a splitting ground You don't know how happy you make me."
Kadang kita suka bertanya-tanya, kenapa si pacar bisa suka sama kita? kita pun jadi insecure atau enggak pede. Ternyata hal ini juga bikin cowok bingung karena alasan-alasan ini. Seperti di lagu ini, kenapa kita harus enggak pede, toh si pacar juga enggak mempermasalahkan hal itu?