10 Powerful No Bullying Quotes

By Marti, Sabtu, 30 November 2013 | 16:00 WIB
10 Powerful No Bullying Quotes (Marti)

Seleb-seleb ini pernah merasakan langsung enggak enaknya di-bully. Karena itu, mereka selalu vokal dalam menyuarakan anti bullying. Sehingga, ada banyak quotes keren yang mereka ucapkan sehubungan dengan kampanye anti bullying ini. Kita cari tahu, yuk, quotes terkenal dari mereka. Siapa tahu jadi semakin menginspirasi dalam melawan bullying.

Kita semua sudah tahu kalau Demi pernah jadi korban bully, karena itu sekarang dia paling benci sama bullying. Quotes demi yang terkenal salah satunya "I know first hand what its like to be called names and to be affected by things. They would call me fat, they would call me promiscuous in different words. At the time, when I was 12-years-old, that was like the end of the world. To me, bullying is one of my biggest platforms. Lets change the world."

Waktu kecil dulu Ed di-bully karena berambut merah, berkaca mata, dan punya gangguan pendengaran. Namun, Ed menjadikan hal itu untuk selalu berpikir positif. Kata-kata Ed, "I think everyone goes through a bit of bullying at school. Of course you get picked on for certain things, but I think it ends up being a positive."

Victoria pernah gabung dengan sebuah clique di SMA karena pengin jadi murid populer. Selain itu, dia juga di-bully karena dirasa berubah setelah terkenal. Padahal, Victoria enggak berubah sedikitpun. Ucapan Victoria, "In high school, I became a target for some people who thought I had change when I got on TV show. It's very easy for people to find things wrong with you."

Member One Direction ini dulunya pernah jadi target bully cowok yang lebih tua darinya. Biar pede, Liam pun belajar tinju. "I was bullied by a few people who were much older than me. I went to camp to learn boxing. I was 12, and my coach was 24. I felt like if I could fight him, I could stand up to anyone."

Selalu diikuti oleh kamera membuat Kendall sering di-judge negatif oleh orang lain. Parahnya, mereka yang men-judge ini enggak kenal siapa dia. Kendall sering di-bully dengan sebutan terlalu kurus padahal dia enggak mengalami eating disorder. "What people don't understand is that calling someone too skinny is the same as calling someone too fat, it's not a nice feeling."

Karena keinginannya untuk jadi aktor, Robb pun akhirnya di-bully oleh kakak kelasnya waktu sekolah dulu. Dia diejek karena keinginannya ini. But look at him now. "Like all bullies, they're cowards underneath the swagger."

Sel juga pernah mengalami masa-masa enggak menyenangkan ketika sekolah. Namun, bully yang pernah diterimanya itu justru membuatnya menjadi lebih kuat dan bisa seperti sekarang. "I was bullied every second of every day in elementary and middle school. Obviously, people are going to bring you down because of your drive. But, ultimately, it makes you a stronger person to turn your cheek and go the other way."

Setelah terkenal, Zayn semakin sering mendapat pengalaman enggak menyenangkan terkait agama yang dianutnya. Padahal, menurut Zayn, agama ini adalah urusan pribadi setiap orang yang enggak boleh diejek. "I just had seen a few things that had annoyed me. I thought we had moved away from that and we're living in the 21st century and people could accept people from different religions."

Memiliki selera humor yang aneh membuat Jen jadi korban bully waktu sekolah. Tapi, Jen enggak pernah down. Dia malah menjadikan bully itu sebagai motivasi untuk terus berkarya di bidang yang dia cintai, yaitu akting. "Don't worry about the bitches. That could be a good motto, because you come across people like that throughout your life."

Aktif di Instagram dan sering posting foto di sana membuat Alexa terpaksa menerima banyak komentar negatif. Bagi Alexa, cyberbullying yang diterimanya ini sangat jahat. Beruntung Alexa berusaha kuat menerimanya jadi separah apapun cyberbullying itu, dia enggak akan terpengaruh. "I hate online bullying. Those little comment boxes can brim with the most vicious, acidic, and pointless remarks. It basically got really nasty and they were like, "We're going to stab you.""

(iif. Foto: antibullyingblog.blogspot.com, wallpaper.com, ryanseacrest.com, examiner.com, metro.co.uk, wallike.com, zimbio.com, hollywoodreporter.com, desktopas.com, timeout.com)