Bete, sedih, atau pengin marah? Jangan ngamuk dulu. Dengarkan saja lagu-lagu di bawah ini. Cocok buat mengembalikan mood yang jelek jadi happy lagi. Let's sing them our way.
Listen to: Nobody's Perfect by Miley Cyrus.
Most inspiring lyrics:
Everybody makes mistakes, everybody has those days....
... Nobody's perfect! I gotta work it! Again and again 'till I get it right. Nobody's perfect! You live and you learn it! And if I mess it up sometimes. Nobody's perfect
Life lessons:
Seperti kata Miley, everybody has their own mistake. Enggak ada, tuh, orang yang enggak pernah salah sama sekali, termasuk kita. Dari kesalahanlah kita bisa belajar jadi lebih baik. Jadi, daripada meraung-raung meratapi nasib, mendingan move on dan learning from those mistakes. Pasti kita jadi makin unbeatable.
Listen to: Never Say Never by Justin Bieber.
Most inspiring lyrics:
When your hearts under attack, gonna give everything I have It's my destiny. I will never say never! I will fight till forever! Whenever you knock me down, I will not stay on the ground...
...Pick it up up up, and never say never.
Life lessons:
Enggak ada gunanya terus menerus mengeluh. Itu hanya bikin energi kita terbuang percuma. Mendingan seperti kata Justin, kita terus berjuang dan jangan menyerah. Never say never. Apa pun keadaan yang kita hadapi, jangan putus asa dulu. Keep fighting till the end. Pasti bakal ada jalan keluarnya.
Listen to: I Am What I Am by Jonas Brothers
Most inspiring lyrics:
Because I am what I am I know what I'm not I'm not the type of guy That doesn't know how good he's got it And I won't back down, won't come around Saying that I changed cause That's not how it's going down
Life lessons:
Memang enggak enak kalau selalu diatur untuk melakukan ini itu. Kita, kan, juga punya pemikiran dan keinginan sendiri. Buat apa berteman atau pacaran kalau hanya bikin capek hati. Kita berhak, lho, mengutarakan pendapat kalau memang benar. Express ourselves and be an inspiring girl.
Listen to: Gift of A Friend by Demi Lovato.
Most inspiring lyrics:
The world comes to life and everything's bright.
From beginning to end when you have a friend by your side That helps you to find the beauty you are When you open your heart and believe in the gift of a friend The gift of a friend
Life lessons:
Enggak kebayang kalau kita hanya hidup sendirian. Kita harus menghargai teman yang ada di samping kita. Merekalah yang tahu siapa kita sebenarnya. Tahu kapan kita lagi pengin bercanda dan tahu kapan kita bete. Makanya, daripada bete sendirian, mending buru-buru lari ke sahabat, yuk.
Listen to: Live Like There's No Tomorrow by Selena Gomez.
Most inspiring lyrics:
Live like there's no tomorrow. 'Cause all we have is here, right now Love like it's all that we know. The only chance that we ever found Believe in what we feel inside, believe and it will never die
Don't never let this life pass us by
Life lessons:
Sekarang waktunya kita bergembira dan menikmati hidup. So, jangan ragu buat melakukan hal-hal gila yang selama ini takut untuk kita lakukan. Live like there's no tomorrow. Syaratnya cuma satu, jangan sampai kebablasan, ya. Nakal boleh, kriminal, sih, jelas enggak. Kita pasti tahu, kan, bedanya. Have fun!
(grace, foto: net)