5 Lagu Soundtrack Drama Korea Goblin yang Paling Galau & Liriknya Bikin Baper Abis!

By Aisha Ria Ginanti, Selasa, 27 Februari 2018 | 04:45 WIB
5 Lagu Sountrack Drama Korea Goblin yang Paling Galau & Liriknya Bikin Baper Abis! (Aisha Ria Ginanti)

Before I held you, I didn’t know That the world I was in Was this bright

I reached you with a small breath of life It’s a love that called out to me fearlessly

I liked it so much Watching over you, my heart fluttering Even when I was ridiculously jealous All of those ordinary moments

In the dark eternity In that long wait Like sunshine, you fell down to me

Before I let go of you, I didn’t know That the world I am in Was this lonely

Pretty flowers bloomed and withered here The season of you will never come again

I started to become greedy I wanted to live with you, grow old with you Hold your wrinkled hands And say how warm my life was

It was just one blessing After that short encounter You cried like the rain

I wanted to be happy for once But that made you cry

Forget everything and move on Because I will go to you When your breath calls out to me again