Kepergian Jonghyun 'SHINee' Bikin Fans Khawatir dengan 'Milk Club', Perkumpulan Jiwa-jiwa Depresi Artis SM

By Putri Saraswati, Jumat, 25 Mei 2018 | 09:45 WIB
Fans khawatir dengan kondisi mental artis SM anggota 'Milk Club' selepas kepergian Jonghyun 'SHINee'. (Putri Saraswati)

Fans yang lain pun menyuarakan kekhawatiran serupa, "Taeyeon was a known member of SM’s Milk club, so she has been known to have suffered (or is suffering?) from mental illness and her and Jonghyun were especially close.

I really do hope that she and all those close to Jonghyun are given time to grieve in the way they need to and are able to seek professional help if necessary."

Berbeda dari kekhawatiran fans-fans tersebut, beberapa fans lain yakin bahwa 'Milk Club' udah enggak eksis lagi saat ini. 

"I don't think it exists anymore and I don't think Jinki was in the club much to be honest? He hadn't debuted yet or it was during the time when they had debuted considering Yoochun was there and he doesn't seem to be that close with the members of the 'milk club' that much except Yoona."

Salah satu fans juga menyebutkan bahwa SM dulu sempat menegur Leeteuk atas unggahan 'Milk Club' -nya dan sejak saat itu perkumpulan tersebut juga langsung dibubarkan. 

"Wasn't he reprimanded by SM for that post? Saying he can't be that way and had to think about lifting peoples moods. He posted about it shortly after and the milk club was disbanded."

(: (Update) Jonghyun SHINee Meninggal Dunia. Ini 4 Info yang Harus Kita Tahu)