5 Seleb Hollywood yang Pernah Baikan Lagi Sama Mantannya yang Sempat Selingkuh

By Veronica Gabriella, Senin, 20 November 2017 | 12:20 WIB
5 Seleb Hollywood yang Diduga Pernah Selingkuh dan Dapet Kesempatan Kedua dari Pasangannya (Veronica Gabriella)

Selingkuh memang jadi salah satu alasan buat banyak pasangan untuk putus. Soalnya pasangan sudah dianggap enggak setia lagi.

Tapi, 5 seleb Hollywood ini walaupun sudah pernah putus dari mantannya yang sempat selingkuh, tetap baikan lagi dan kasih kesempatan kedua. Coba intip yuk siapa aja!

Kabar kalau Justin sering selingkuh dari Selena udah jadi rahasia umum, yang paling kedengaran pas Justin dikabarin selingkuh sama Hailey Baldwin. Hal itu bikin Selena kecewa dan kesal, mereka juga sempat dikabarkan berantem dan putus.

Tapi akhirnya, Selena memberi Justin kesempatan kedua untuk mulai lagi menjalin hubungan dengan Selena, sampai-sampai banyak yang bilang kalau Selena udah berkali-kali memberi kesempatan yang banyak banget buat Justin.

Rasanya kabar tentang Katy dan John yang putus nyambung sudah sering kita denger. Dan, salah satu alasan mereka sering putus nyambung adalah kabar kalau John pernah berselingkuh di belakang Katy.

Dan, Katy juga maish memberi kesempatan untuk John balik lagi walau akhirnya putus lagi dan sekarang kembali bersama.

Baca Juga: Ciri-ciri Cowok yang Selingkuh Lewat Sosial Media

Kourtney sudah putus dari Scott dengan alasan bahwa Scott sudah mengkhianati Kourtney. Soalnya, muncul foto-foto kalau Scott selingkuh di balik hubungannya dengan Kourtney.

Tapi, pada akhirnya Kourtney tetap menerima Scott kembali meski sekarang mereka sudah kembali berpisah.

Baca Juga: 5 Ucapan Cowok Selingkuh

Mantan kekasih Ariana ini sudah putus dengan baik-baik dari Ariana. Lalu, banyak gosip yang bilang ini karena Jai berkencan dengan cewek lain selain Ariana ketika mereka memutuskan untuk LDR.

Tapi, setelah akhirnya berpisah dari Ariana, Jai melalui akun Twitternya via Twitlonger, membantah gosip itu. Justru menurutnya, alasan dia pisah dari Ariana adalah karena penyanyi itu yang selingkuh darinya.

Pada akhirnya pun Jai menerima Ariana kembali, sebelum putus lagi kemudian. Menurut Jai, dia memang sempat ngasih kesempatan kedua buat Ariana, tapi dia nyadar itu pilihan yang salah, karena hubungan mereka tetap saja buruk. 

Baca juga: 6 Fakta Ilmiah Di Balik Alasan Orang Suka Selingkuh

Saat Kristen ketahuan selingkuh sama Rupert Sanders, sutradara film Snow White and The Huntsman, banyak yang mengatakan Kristen adalah seorang pengkhianat atas hubungannya dengan Rob.

Semua orang berpikir Rob akan marah dan segera memutuskan hubungan dengan Kristen. Tapi, ketika kabar selingkuh Kristen beredar, Rob dan Kristen justru masih sering muncul di depan kamera berduaan dan terlihat baik-baik aja.

Meski akhirnya Kristen buka-bukaan kalau hubungannya dengan Rob hanyalah settingan alias publicity stunt.

(sumber: teen.com)

It seems like Katy and John have broken up and gotten back together a million times, by now. And we know that at least one of those times was due to John's cheating on her. But, although they don't seem to be back together now, with the rate of their breaking-up-to-reunite, it's only a matter of time.It seems like Katy and John have broken up and gotten back together a million times, by now. And we know that at least one of those times was due to John's cheating on her. But, although they don't seem to be back together now, with the rate of their breaking-up-to-reunite, it's only a matter of time.It seems like Katy and John have broken up and gotten back together a million times, by now. And we know that at least one of those times was due to John's cheating on her. But, although they don't seem to be back together now, with the rate of their breaking-up-to-reunite, it's only a matter of time.
It seems like Katy and John have broken up and gotten back together a million times, by now. And we know that at least one of those times was due to John's cheating on her. But, although they don't seem to be back together now, with the rate of their breaking-up-to-reunite, it's only a matter of time.
It seems like Katy and John have broken up and gotten back together a million times, by now. And we know that at least one of those times was due to John's cheating on her. But, although they don't seem to be back together now, with the rate of their breaking-up-to-reunite, it's only a matter of time.It seems like Katy and John have broken up and gotten back together a million times, by now. And we know that at least one of those times was due to John's cheating on her. But, although they don't seem to be back together now, with the rate of their breaking-up-to-reunite, it's only a matter of tim
It seems like Katy and John have broken up and gotten back together a million times, by now. And we know that at least one of those times was due to John's cheating on her. But, although they don't seem to be back together now, with the rate of their breaking-up-to-reunite, it's only a matter of time.It seems like Katy and John have broken up and gotten back together a million times, by now. And we know that at least one of those times was due to John's cheating on her. But, although they don't seem to be back together now, with the rate of their breaking-up-to-reunite, it's only a matter of time.
It seems like Katy and John have broken up and gotten back together a million times, by now. And we know that at least one of those times was due to John's cheating on her. But, although they don't seem to be back together now, with the rate of their breaking-up-to-reunite, it's only a matter of time.It seems like Katy and John have broken up and gotten back together a million times, by now. And we know that at least one of those times was due to John's cheating on her. But, although they don't seem to be back together now, with the rate of their breaking-up-to-reunite, it's only a matter of time.It seems like Katy and John have broken up and gotten back together a million times, by now. And we know that at least one of those times was due to John's cheating on her. But, although they don't seem to be back together now, with the rate of their breaking-up-to-reunite, it's only a matter of time.It seems like Katy and John have broken up and gotten back together a million times, by now. And we know that at least one of those times was due to John's cheating on her. But, although they don't seem to be back together now, with the rate of their breaking-up-to-reunite, it's only a matter of time.